Expert Solutions for Your Sprinkler Problems

Look to us for sprinkler maintenance services in Fredericksburg, TX and the surrounding area

When your sprinkler system fails, count on Lone Star Sprinklers to provide a solution. We offer sprinkler repairs to residential and commercial clients throughout Fredericksburg, TX and the surrounding area.

We'll check your whole system so that we can correctly diagnose the problem. From there, we'll discuss your options with you so that you can make informed decisions moving forward. We'll always try to replace a broken or faulty part with a Rain Bird product, so your sprinkler will run smoothly when we're done. Redesign services are also available upon request.

To keep your sprinkler system in prime condition, we recommend bi-annual sprinkler maintenance checks. Get in touch with us to learn more about our system service package.

Seven signs you need to repair your sprinkler

Don't settle for a faulty sprinkler. Reach out to Lone Star Sprinklers in Fredericksburg, TX for sprinkler repairs if you notice the following warning signs:

  1. Parts of your lawn are getting more water than others
  2. Sudden changes in your water pressure
  3. Your valves aren't working correctly or consistently
  4. The sprinkler heads regularly sputter water
  5. Water is dripping from your sprinkler heads
  6. Abnormal spikes in your monthly water bill
  7. Patches of soil erosion around your property

We'll diagnose the issue and replace any broken parts with a reliable Rain Bird or Hunter Industries product. You can also request a specific brand if you prefer.

Schedule your sprinkler maintenance today - call 830-998-2562 to make an appointment.